Hello list,

I’m new in SER, and i have problem setting up the application.


I have asterisk pbx using SIP and a billing application for voip using radius authentication. The billing use MSSQL database and the Radius server is under Linux.

I installed radiusclient on the same machine with ser-0.8.11-0.rpm.

The problem is that when I do: ser start, I have this:


              XXX.XXX.XXX.XX [XXX.XXX.XXX.XX]:5060

Aliases: host-XXX-XXX-XXX-XX.interpacket.net:5060 localhost:5060 localhost.localdomain:5060 SER:5060


XX is the IP of the SER machine. But when I do “serctl monitor”, I got this:

[cycle #: 1; if constant make sure server lives and fifo is on]

And nothing happen. This tells me that ser is not running.

Can somebody help me with my setup.


