(Sorry... losed quotation symbol in the last post)
Bogdan, thank you very much for help.
2008/4/16, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan@voice-system.ro:
So, if one of your SPAs is sending 302, this will not hit failure route as
you still have the second branch still ringing. Only if the
second branch will fail too, the whole transaction will fail and the
failure route will be called.
So can I intercept the 302 response in an onreply_route? I tryied to put the below configuration taken from sipwise inside the onreply_route but some of the used functions cannot be used in the onreply_route.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(t_check_status("301|302")) { avp_delete("$avp(s:acc_caller_user)/g"); avp_delete("$avp(s:acc_caller_domain)/g"); avp_delete("$avp(s:acc_state)/g"); avp_copy("$avp(s:acc_callee_user)", "$avp(s:acc_caller_user)"); avp_copy("$avp(s:acc_callee_domain)", "$avp(s:acc_caller_domain)"); $avp(s:acc_state) = "cfc"; setflag(29); if(!get_redirects("1:1")) {
xlog("L_ERROR", "Failed to fetch contact '$ct' from 301/302 - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n"); acc_db_request("480", "acc"); t_reply("480", "Temporarily Unavailable"); exit; } # get last URI from destination-set and set it as R-URI avp_delete("$avp(s:tmp)/g"); $avp(s:tmp) = $ds; avp_subst("$avp(s:tmp)", "/.*(sip:.+@[^:;>]+).*$/\1/"); avp_pushto("$ru", "$avp(s:tmp)"); setflag(29); append_branch();
t_on_branch("1"); xlog("L_INFO", "Redirect from UAC intercepted - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n"); route(13); exit; }
t_on_branch("1"); xlog("L_INFO", "CFC detected - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n"); route(13);
Regards, Bogdan
Best regards, Antonio.