upcoming 4.1 (still master branch now, but feature freeze phase) has
msg_apply_changes() working for reply routes.
On 10/8/13 12:14 PM, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:
I've setup two Kamailio machines, one which does all the processing
and the second one which always replies with a 500 Server Internal
Error, to test my Dispatcher fail-over.
When routing a call, the call is always routed to the second Kamailio
first, to test the fail-over.
What happens in this scenario is the 500 is received by the main
Kamailio and the 500 message is duplicated to the capture server.
After this the failure_route kicks in and the 500 is obviously never
sent back to the initiator.
The changes made to the 500 message (adding a new header), in
onreply_route, aren't present when the message is duplicated to the
capture server, because the original 500 message is duplicated instead
of the modified one.
I tried the following things, but none of them worked:
-Adding the header and calling sip_trace();, but this doesn't work
since sip_trace() duplicated the message prior to changes made to it.
-Msg_apply_changes(), doesn't work either, since I can't use it in
-Append_to_reply(), cannot be used from onreply_route
Appending new headers to replies works, but only when the reply is
also sent back to the initiator, since I have the setflag(22) set.
This makes sure the processed messages are also duplicated.
In this case the 500 is never sent back.
Anyone have an idea how to solve this?
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