
I don't know how your ser.cfg looks like.... In simple ser.cfg it doesn't have any authentication module loaded. For testing fax, i recommend that first you test with voice conversation with proper codecs in place, once you have successful 2 ways talk between peers than faxing shouldn't have  any problem.


On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:33 AM, roayu <> wrote:


Hi Ali,


When I do the testing, it seems that in the SER, there are something configured for requiring an authentification for the re-invite.


Does SER send an authentificatin required back?




Best regards,




From: Ali Zaidi []
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 2:06 PM
To: roayu
Subject: Re: [Serusers] SER + Fax service



It will work, as long as you use g711, make sure both end use same codec. The reason i said use g711 because fax does not like any compression during transmission, so keep it simple.



On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 9:30 PM, roayu <> wrote:

Good day!


I just brought an ATA that support Fax and I would like to know does SER able to handle the fax service as well? My environment is as the following:

            Fax machine A à  ATA  à  SER  à  ATA  à  Fax machine B


Is there any issue to perform the above transaction? Or is there any setting that I need to configure on SER ?





Best regards,

Roa Yu


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