Hello list. I was wondering if the module auth_radius can receive extra parameters from the Radius Server and proccess them as AVP values (something like the avp_radius can do) . I'm using :
version: ser 0.9.4-rc1 (i386/linux) flags: STATS: Off, USE_IPV6, USE_TCP, DISABLE_NAGLE, USE_MCAST, DNS_IP_HACK, SHM_MEM, SHM_MMAP, PKG_MALLOC, FAST_LOCK-ADAPTIVE_WAIT ADAPTIVE_WAIT_LOOPS=1024, MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 262144, MAX_LISTEN 16, MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535 @(#) $Id: main.c,v 1.197 2004/12/03 19:09:31 andrei Exp $ main.c compiled on 04:26:34 Jul 21 2005 with gcc 3.2
I was browsing the CVS directory and i noticed that this revision :
Revision 1.18 / (view) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Thu Jun 30 20:29:31 2005 UTC (2 months ago) by andrei Branch: MAIN CVS Tags: last_merge_to_janakj, HEAD Changes since 1.17: +6 -2 lines Diff to previous 1.17
seems to do what i want. Am i right? Can the version that i'm actually using do the same? I Hope that somone can help me. Thanks!
Regards, Ricardo Martinez.-