I am not entirely sure, but I think SER has a problem creating ser_fifo for some reason. Your directory settings are fine too.
I think you should not use CVS to install SER. Those sources are most probably under development and are being changed constantly. So, instead, download a stable SER version (I would suggest using 0.9.6, which is the latest) from iptel.org and install it right upon your existing version (read INSTALL file first on how to specify the installation directory). If you have a way to remove previous installation first, that would be even better.
Best of luck :)

On 3/13/06, İlker Aktuna (Koç. net ) <ilkera@koc.net > wrote:
I downloaded the ser sources with cvs (following command):
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:/cvsroot/ser checkout sip_router
I am not sure of the version. How can I check that ?
If I use the "serctl ul show" command , I get this response:
Error opening ser's FIFO /tmp/ser_fifo
Make sure you have line fifo=/tmp/ser_fifo in your config
My /tmp/ folder permissions:
# ls -adl /tmp/
drwxrwxrwt   14 root     root         4096 Mar 13 09:25 /tmp/
In messages file I get these:
Mar 13 08:24:02 asterisk1 /root/ser/sbin/ser[15292]: ERROR: receive_fd: EOF on 21
Mar 13 08:24:02 asterisk1 /root/ser/sbin/ser[15292]: ERROR: receive_fd: EOF on 22
Mar 13 08:45:46 asterisk1 ser: parse error (12,1-5): syntax error
Mar 13 08:45:46 asterisk1 ser: parse error (12,1-5): 
Mar 13 08:53:05 asterisk1 ser: parse error (12,1-5): syntax error
Mar 13 08:53:05 asterisk1 ser: parse error (12,1-5):
Mar 13 08:57:15 asterisk1 ser: parse error (12,1-5): syntax error
so what should I do ?