Hi all,
I was playing around with dialplan module (kam 1.4) for the first time and it seems that the repl_exp doesn't handle back references correctly:
mysql root@kamailio> select * from dialplan\G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 dpid: 1 pr: 1 match_op: 1 match_exp: @voicebox.local$ match_len: 0 subst_exp: ^sip:(.*)$ repl_exp: sip:xx_\1_yy attrs: voicebox 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
In my config, I do:
dp_translate("1", "$ru/$var(dptest)"); xlog("L_INFO", "DP result='$var(dptest)', attr='$avp(s:dialplan_attr)\n");
and the result is:
DP result='sip:xx_user@voicebox.local', attr='voicebox'
So the string after the back reference ("_yy" in this case) is not inserted.
Any ideas?