Hi all,
I've installed SERWEB and I can see the login screen, but I have some doubts.
This is the content of my table subscriber: (only username and password)
admin heslo
user331105@sipproxy.plczar.endesa.es kingking
user331106@sipproxy.plczar.endesa.es kingking
When I log as admin:
I don't know which is my own username and password!!
I've tried admin, admin@ and admin@sipproxy.plczar.endesa.es, all of them with password heslo but it's not working.
When I log as user:
I've tried with user331105/6 and password kingking but it doesn't work. I've registered a new user, llanosserna, but the system said:
Your application was forwarded for approval.
Where is it being forwarded? How can I change where it's being forwarded?
I'm not getting the e-mails that confirm registration.
Please help. Thanks.