I noticed this in t_newtrans() README:
Note that any flag operations (e.g. for accounting) after this
function has been called will be ignored. You can use the the tmx
module function t_flush_flags() to flush the altered flags to the
already created transaction.
The text is wrong. I have for ages set bflags after calliing
t_newtrans() and the sets are NOT ignored.
Here is an example:
In route blocks:
Dec 12 08:41:53 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[231131]: INFO: ********* called t_newtrans()
Dec 12 08:41:53 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[231131]: INFO: ************ set bflag 9
In failure route block:
Dec 12 08:41:58 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[231195]: INFO: ************ bflag 9 is set
-- Juha