On 12/21/2009 03:42 PM, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Mon, December 21, 2009 9:27 pm, Alex Balashov wrote:
[..] In short, I don't think sqlops is materially faster, but it is a more modern and sophisticated way to talk to your database and you should use it for that reason.
Hey Alex,
as AVPs are also more or less just a special kind of pseudo-variable, like the exported interface from the sqlops module there should be indeed no notable speed difference, especially on today fast systems. But indeed sqlops have the more appropriate interface and I would recommend it for new deployments, for the reasons you summarized.
Having said that, AVPs are still very useful and necessary because they persist across the lifetime of a transaction, so you can access them in subsequent reply and failure routes. This is not true of user pseudovariables ($var(...)), nor, as far as I know, of any other class of pseudovariable at this point except special transaction-persistent ones exported by modules.
As a result, it is often necessary for me to take data from $dbr (sqlops) and load it into arrays of AVPs, such as for example when doing custom fail-over in failure_route that uses logic for which dispatcher is not suitable. I store a set of gateways in an AVP array along with another AVP value indicating the current array index and iterate over them in failure_route, and so on.
Daniel taught me how to use AVP arrays once, although I noticed this is not mentioned anywhere in the avpops documentation. It should be published somewhere, as it is one of the most useful programmatic features of Kamailio.
Henning/Daniel, does Kamailio 3/SR offer any kind of better substitute for what I am doing with AVPs as described above? In other words, are there any transaction-persistent pseudovariables and/or namespace containers that are easier to deal with syntactically, and provide more advanced data structure primitives like arrays? I am aware of htable, but I need something local to a transaction, not global.