Hello all,


I’m using the following Lua script to fetch data from Redis, which is in form of list:


function split(str, delimiter)

    for token in string.gmatch(str, "[^" .. delimiter .. "]+") do

        return token




function contains(mainString, subString)

    return string.find(mainString, subString, 1, true) ~= nil



function longest_match_acode()


                local currentSeconds = os.time()

                local milliseconds = os.clock() * 1000

                local ddate = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", currentSeconds) .. string.format(".%03d", milliseconds)

                KSR.xlog.xinfo("starting date:" ..ddate)


                local size = 0

                local result


                local acode = "29192"

                local inputbcode = "4474173"

                local delimiter = ":"


                while size == 0 do

                                local currentSeconds = os.time()

                                acode = string.sub(acode, 1, string.len(acode) - 1)

                                KSR.ndb_redis.redis_cmd("srvN", "LRANGE price:" .. acode .." 0 -1", "r")

                                size = tonumber(KSR.pv.get("$redis(r=>size)"))



                local left = 0

                local right = size - 1


                while left <= right do

                    local currentSeconds = os.time()

        local milliseconds = os.clock() * 1000

        local ddate = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", currentSeconds) .. string.format(".%03d", milliseconds)


                                resultRight = tostring(KSR.pv.get("$redis(r=>value[" .. right .. "])"))

                                resultLeft = tostring(KSR.pv.get("$redis(r=>value[" .. left .. "])"))


                                local bcodeLeft = split(resultLeft, delimiter)

                                local bcodeRight = split(resultRight, delimiter)


                                if contains(inputbcode, bcodeRight) then

                                                KSR.xlog.xinfo("Input bcode contains bcode value from Redis: " .. resultRight .. " at index: " .. right .. " with date: " .. ddate)



                                if contains(inputbcode, bcodeLeft) then

                                   KSR.xlog.xinfo("Input bcode contains bcode value from Redis: " .. resultLeft .. " at index: " .. left .. " with date: " .. ddate)


                                left = left + 1

                                right = right - 1


                local currentSeconds = os.time()

                local milliseconds = os.clock() * 1000

                local ddate = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", currentSeconds) .. string.format(".%03d", milliseconds)

                KSR.xlog.xinfo("ending date:" ..ddate)




function ksr_request_route()


                if KSR.is_INVITE() then


        KSR.sl.send_reply("404", "Not found");




I’m getting the following warning in the log : WARNING: LUA {INVITE}: <core> [core/pvapi.c:340]: pv_cache_add(): pv cache limit is going to be exceeded - pkg memory may get filled with pv declarations

I think the issue is in the following lines:

resultRight = tostring(KSR.pv.get("$redis(r=>value[" .. right .. "])"))

resultLeft = tostring(KSR.pv.get("$redis(r=>value[" .. left .. "])"))


the list coming from Redis has around 30k items, which I’m iterating through using value[x] which is exhausting the pv declaration as per my understanding.

How to overcome this issue? Is it possible to save the list as an array variable and then iterate through that array?

