De: Camila Troncoso []
Enviado el: jueves, 06 de marzo de 2014 16:03
Asunto: 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL)



I have kamailio 3.2 as LCR  with many gateways, weights and priorities.

Out of no ware It presented this error today: 500 I’m terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL). This wasn’t happening for all the calls , and was arbitrary.

I read on google ,that this error comes form t_relay, so the  server was unable to relay the call to the gateway. But all the gateways are reachable and active.

The server was on load , almost 30 cps. The same configuration have been running for more than 2 years with any problem.


Could these happened for heavy load? I have children=32 in config file.


Has anyone an idea of what may happened?




Camila Troncoso



Camila Troncoso Solar
| Ingeniero de Desarollo

+56 2 22408535 · +56 9 97327220  |

Badajoz 130, piso 16, Las Condes   Santiago  - CHILE