Please find some more before and after, Ip address and number is masked FYI.
INFO: <script>: TIME : TEST - Rewriting To header with Request line so that vendor prefix is present
INFO: <script>: TIME : TEST2 - tu is
sip:+123456789@ and ru is sip: <script>: TIME : TEST3 - tu is
sip:+123456789@ and ru is sip: tm [tm.c:1752]: _w_t_relay_to(): t_forward_noack failed
ERROR: tm [t_reply.c:1081]: run_failure_handlers(): error running run_top_route for failure handler
INFO: <script>: TIME : [Mon Jul 10 12:24:14 2023] CALL ID : [31bca077-99fa-123c-eb84-00219b9e3ef4] [WITHINDIALOG] The request is [ACK]
INFO: <script>: TIME : [Mon Jul 10 12:24:14 2023] CALL ID : [31bca077-99fa-123c-eb84-00219b9e3ef4] [PROXY_OUTBOUND_HANDLE] [ACK]
INFO: <script>: TIME : [Mon Jul 10 12:24:14 2023] CALL ID : [
205526695_49743609@] [WITHINDIALOG] The request is [ACK]
Here is the code i suspect, Let me know if you can find some thing why the error usually gets,
failure_route["serial"] {
if (!t_next_contacts()) {
xlog("L_INFO","TIME : [$Tf] CALL ID : [$ci] [serial]The altered ruri is [$ru] \n");
xlog("L_INFO", "TIME : TEST - Rewriting To header with Request line so that vendor prefix is present");
xlog("L_INFO","TIME : TEST2 - tu is $tu and ru is $ru \n");
$tu = $ru;
xlog("L_INFO","TIME : TEST3 - tu is $tu and ru is $ru \n");
event_route[tm:branch-failure:REMOVE_OLD_REGISTER] {
if (t_check_status("(404)|(410)")) {
xlog("L_INFO","TIME : Received code [$T(reply_code)] from SBC, need to remove registration \n");
xlog("L_INFO","TIME : [$Tf] CALL ID : [$ci] [REMOVE_OLD_REGISTER] contact is [$ct]Unregister section is entered [$ru] \n");
unregister("location", "$tu", "$T_reply_ruid");
Thank you.