Hi Iñaki,
Most of the UAC will reject an incoming call if the RURI is not the
contact they registered - and I by contact I mean URI + URI params (like
SNOM encodes as contact param the line of the account)
But particularly talking about devices with PBX-like behaviour (with
multiple extensions behind some registration), it really does not matter
- there is impossible to force any relation between the contact (which
is one) and accepted RURIs (which can be for multiple extensions).
Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El Monday 30 June 2008 10:17:57 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
Hi Stagg,
This is a common issue when you have an Asterisk with multiple
extensions and a single registration to OpenSER. A trick you can do is
to save the username part of the RURI (the extension) and restore if the
location lookup (for registrations) was successful:
$avp(s:tmp) = $rU;
if ( !lookup("location")) {
# no location found
sl_send_reply("404","Not Found");
# registration found -> restore the username part
$rU = $avp(s:tmp)
Hi Bogdan, will any SIP UA allow a call if the RURI username doesn't match the
username in the "Contact" during UA registration?
Well, sure a PBX would allow it (like Asterisk), but what about single phones?
By my experience, most of the phone just allow receiving INVITE's for the same
RURI username as the "Contact" send by the UA in the REGISTER.