The from/to/callid in the header are the 'key' for the dialog.
None can be changed. You will have to either:
1) use a b2bua to rewrite the from/to tags (try asterisk)
2) remove the 00 from the initial INVITE from your client.
Technically, the PSTN gateway should ignore the To tag and use
the RURI to route the call. I don't think the To tag (or the From tag)
mean anything useful. Who is the PSTN provider? Does the name start
with an 'L'?
WARNING: Most things I say are only half write :-)
On 7/6/05, Olivier Taylor <olivier.taylor(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
Some of our pstn providers uses the TO header of an Invite to make a call.
For example I call 00321231231, i need to strip the two leadings 0.
If i don't do the same on the TO header, the providers are unable to forward
the call to pstn.
When i modify the TO header, i have problems for some Uas and also have to
replace the TO header for ACKs and BYEs.
But now, it seems that doesn't work with some user-agents, unhappy to find a
TO header different of the TO the send...
Any good idea?
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Greg Fausak