I'm having problems running OpenSER with WeSIP AS. I have installed OpenSER 1.2 stable release, and also tried the latest version using SVN, and I use WeSIP 0.1.4. The same problem always arises: I get either "no route" if a servlet was invoked, or "481" if no servlet was run. In both cases, it seems WeSIP is not able to send the INVITE back to OpenSER. Here are the traces:
<First trace: a servlet named neos is run; it just proxies the message>
SeasMessageEvent [SeasRouter] - New message received, from to over UDP SeasTransactionEvent [SeasRouter] - hash_index = 45959,label=642523441 flags=0 ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[0]] - peerAddress = ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[0]] - About to process INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0 SipConnector [ExpressMChannel[0]] - createProcessor: Reusing existing processor SipProcessor [ExpressMChannel[0]] - An incoming message is being assigned ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[0]] - Done processing INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0 SipProcessor [SipProcessor[4]] - <<<<<<<<< Request Received <<<<<<<<< INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0 Call-ID: 20011e80-296f38df-c0a814d5@ From: "5001" sip:5001@;tag=10005f00-296f38e8 To: sip:5002@ CSeq: 100 INVITE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc0a814d51000bf80296f38e9 Contact: "5001" sip:5001@ Max-Forwards: 69 User-Agent: LR SIP Phone Allow: INFO,UPDATE,NOTIFY,REFER Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 406
SeasHashTable [SipProcessor[4]] - Inserting hashIdx:45959 label:642523441 into hashTable SipProcessor [SipProcessor[4]] - Transaction [z9hG4bKc0a814d51000bf80296f38e9] is new Transaction?? --> true EngineSipMapper [SipProcessor[4]] - Request from mapped to: ConvergedEngine[Standalone].StandardHttpHost[localhost] ConvergedEngineValve [SipProcessor[4]] - Invoking Host:localhost ConvergedHostValve [SipProcessor[4]] - SipSession not found for requestINVITE, trying match against Rules ConvergedHost [SipProcessor[4]] - Mapped request to:/neos ConvergedContextValve [SipProcessor[4]] - new session created :20011e80-296f38df-c0a814d5@ doInvite within neos servlet: requestURI is sip:5002@ StandardProxy [SipProcessor[4]] - sip:5002@ Added to proxying targets. StandardProxy [SipProcessor[4]] - doProxy: proxying to sip:5002@ StandardProxy [SipProcessor[4]] - ========== Request Sent ============== INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0 Call-ID: 20011e80-296f38df-c0a814d5@ From: "5001" sip:5001@;tag=10005f00-296f38e8 To: sip:5002@ CSeq: 100 INVITE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP,SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc0a814d51000bf80296f38e9 Contact: "5001" sip:5001@ Max-Forwards: 68 User-Agent: LR SIP Phone Allow: INFO,UPDATE,NOTIFY,REFER Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 406
StandardProxy [SipProcessor[4]] - javax.sip.TransactionUnavailableException: no route! SipConnector [SipProcessor[4]] - recycle: Recycling processor SipProcessor[4]
<Second trace: the servlet is deactivated>
SeasMessageEvent [SeasRouter] - New message received, from to over UDP SeasTransactionEvent [SeasRouter] - hash_index = 32078,label=1509443196 flags=0 ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[2]] - peerAddress = ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[2]] - About to process INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0 SipConnector [ExpressMChannel[2]] - createProcessor: Reusing existing processor SipProcessor [ExpressMChannel[2]] - An incoming message is being assigned ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[2]] - Done processing INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0 SipProcessor [SipProcessor[4]] - <<<<<<<<< Request Received <<<<<<<<< INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0 Call-ID: 20011b80-29725a1f-c0a814d5@ From: "5001" sip:5001@;tag=10005c00-29725a28 To: sip:5002@ CSeq: 100 INVITE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc0a814d51000bf8029725a29 Contact: "5001" sip:5001@ Max-Forwards: 69 User-Agent: LR SIP Phone Allow: INFO,UPDATE,NOTIFY,REFER Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 408
SeasHashTable [SipProcessor[4]] - Inserting hashIdx:32078 label:1509443196 into hashTable SipProcessor [SipProcessor[4]] - Transaction [z9hG4bKc0a814d51000bf8029725a29] is new Transaction?? --> true EngineSipMapper [SipProcessor[4]] - Request from mapped to: ConvergedEngine[Standalone].StandardHttpHost[localhost] ConvergedEngineValve [SipProcessor[4]] - Invoking Host:localhost ConvergedHostValve [SipProcessor[4]] - SipSession not found for requestINVITE, trying match against Rules ConvergedHost [SipProcessor[4]] - Mapped request to:/neos ConvergedHostValve [SipProcessor[4]] - No servlet-mapping matched this Request. SipResponse [SipProcessor[4]] - >>>>>>>>> Sending Response >>>>>>>>> SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist Call-ID: 20011b80-29725a1f-c0a814d5@ From: "5001" sip:5001@;tag=10005c00-29725a28 To: sip:5002@ CSeq: 100 INVITE Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc0a814d51000bf8029725a29 Max-Forwards: 69 Content-Length: 0
I have thoroughly reviewed my configuration against the rules explained in the WeSIP website, everything seems in order (address OpenSER receives on is, address for SEAS and WeSIP is Could you please tell me if this is something you already encountered and solved ?
Thanks in advance Francois