On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Jan Janak wrote:
You must use ./gen_ha1 jakob@schlyter.net schlyter.net ser2003 to get the same hash.
does the internal ha1 calcualtion tries to match both username@domain and only username? it seems to me it only tries to match the hash for username.
The reason is that you have realm in the username. A user agent that sent the credentials above also calculate the response using "jakob@schlyter.net" as username so you must do the same.
I though ser was doing the hashing since i set calculate_ha1=1.
BTW you don't have to put @chlyter.net into the username, it is not mandatory, you can use just "jakob".
how could it separate jakob@schlyter.se and (some other) jakob@example.com user if I don't put the domain in the username?