See below, you 2nd question.
-----Original Message-----
From: Takefumi Naito []
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 8:25 AM
To: serusers(a)
Subject: [Serusers] PostgreSQL
Thanks a lot for your advise.
I tried to do
$psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U seruser -W ser
Connecting database ser is success.
But in the log file, these following lines appeared
after SER started using /usr/sbin/ser command.
FATAL: Non_superuser connection limit exceeded
LOG: pq_recvbuf:unexpected EOF on client connection
Maybe this is the reason database doesn't work, I think.
It seems SER can't connect to postgres.
What should I do?
Another problem: SER processes don't stop using /usr/sbin/ser stop.
Many SER processes are surviving.
Is it strange?
- I use pkill ser in solaris/Netbsd and kill attendant's PID in freeBsd.
That leaves no SER processes running.
Most sincerely
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