Can someone send me the structure of the auth_user table for CDRTool. I just
downloaded CDRTool-3.3.5 and followed the install instructions. When I run
"./ password localhost" I get the following error: ERROR 1146
(42S02) at line 1: Table 'cdrtool.auth_user' doesn't exist
I can not find a single reference to a table creation in any files. see
[root@localhost CDRTool]# pwd
[root@localhost CDRTool]# grep -R auth_user *
accounts_lib.phtml: $query="select * from auth_user";
accounts.phtml: $query="delete from auth_user";
accounts.phtml: $query="update auth_user set
accounts.phtml: $query="select * from auth_user";
accounts.phtml: $query="insert into auth_user
log.phtml: $query="select * from auth_user where perms like
phplib/ var $database_table = "auth_user";
phplib/ $this->db->query("select * from auth_user where
phplib/ $update="update auth_user
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user change column
only_customer domainFilter varchar(255) not null;
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user change column
only_cscode codeFilter varchar(255) not null;
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user change column only_cli
aNumberFilter varchar(255) not null;
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user change column
only_after_date afterDateFilter varchar(255) not null;
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user drop column
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user drop column
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user change column
display_card compidFilter varchar(255) not null;
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user add column
serviceFilter varchar(255) not null after codeFilter;
setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql:alter table auth_user change column
codeFilter cscodeFilter varchar(255) not null;
setup/mysql/create_data.mysql:INSERT INTO auth_user VALUES
10-07-11 04:48:00','xj28k');
SOAP/server_lib.php: $query="select * from auth_user