when my phone sends the following REGISTER (from port 2084) to ser (0.8.14-2), ser will rewrite the contact before storing it into the location databases and ends up with "sip:;transport=udp;line=q67m1xq1". this is bad since the phone is not listening on port 2084 at all and INVITEs will not work.
as I understand, the rport is only significant per transaction and should not be applied to further signaling with the peer (such as INVITEs).
-- cut -- REGISTER sip:schlxter.se SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK-n7jet4bj5ltt;rport From: "Jakob Schlyter" sip:jakob@schlxter.se;tag=anzeb3vn51 To: "Jakob Schlyter" sip:jakob@schlxter.se Call-ID: 3c267007dbba-qq34p593v107@195-47-254-134 CSeq: 1 REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: sip:jakob@;transport=udp;line=q67m1xq1;q=0.0 User-Agent: snom190-3.52 P-NAT-Refresh: 15 Supported: gruu Allow-Events: dialog X-Real-IP: Expires: 600 Content-Length: 0 -- cut --