I assume you are referring to a SIP message and not
its IP wrapper. And I also
assume you are using fix_nated_contact() from nathelper. This function is
working as it was designed. I quote from the documentation "Rewrites Contact
HF to contain request's source address:port".
I believe nathelper was built to aid service providers who might receive SIP
messages with unroutable contacts.
In the past I have used a patched version of nathlper that let you specify the
address you wanted in the Contact. I did not write the patch and I am not a
programmer so I did not want to build a new patch for each new version of
openser. I finally settled for a textops equivalent. $var(my_ip) is set
elsewhere in the script.
On Friday 28 December 2007, Alex Balashov wrote:
I have a strange problem using OpenSER 1.3.x with nathelper.
Two ethernet interfaces:
eth0 =
eth1 = outside.ip/29
For some reason, no matter what I do to mangle the requests with
nathelper's functions, the packet is *always* sent out of eth1 with
the *source address* of the machine's eth0. Obviously, the response
from the far-end SIP peer never gets back.
The packet does physically go over eth1, I know that much from packet
captures. I don't even see how this is possible; when OpenSER issues
a packet, shouldn't it originate according to the machine's routing
table, take the most specific route, and consequently, adopt the right
source address?
What gives?
I have OpenSER 'listening' on both interfaces, and have tried both on and
off with this setting.
Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
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