Hi List,

Can someone give a hint related to this issue, please?
On other messages, I found that this problem may happen why variable $du is empty, but in my case looks that it's present:

Config File:
if (!t_relay()) {

    switch ($retcode) {
      case -1:
        xlogl("L_ERR", "[$cfg(route)] Generic Internal Error\n");
        xlogl("L_ERR", "[$cfg(route)] | $du/$ru |\n");

Log File:
[RELAY] Generic Internal Error
sl [sl_funcs.c:372]: sl_reply_error(): stateless error reply used: I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL)

Also, as I understand this may happen when there is a problem on the physical network, i'm not sure that is my case - because kamailio and asterisk are 2 VM's running on the same Physical Server, and both their interfaces are connected to the same Virtual Switch.
There is no firewalls/selinux on those servers. 

Can someone help please?