
in dispatch.c, in function ds_check_timer(...), you have to give maxforward as extra header. Store it in a variable, and give it as third parameter to set_uac_req() function. Perhaps like:

str hdrs = { "Max-Forwards: 10\r\n", 10};

set_uac_req(&uac_r, &ds_ping_method, &hdrs, ...


On 12/24/12 2:02 PM, Morten Isaksen wrote:

I have an issue with the OPTIONS packets from the dispatcher module does not contain a max-forward header. This causes the gateway in the other end to not reply to the OPTIONS packet.

Can anyone please give a hint where en the code I need to change that. I noticed that dispatcher module uses the tm module to send the OPTIONS but after that I got lost in the code.

Morten Isaksen

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