On Nov 27, 2003 at 00:46, Urvish Khandwalla <Urvish.Khandwalla(a)colorado.edu> wrote:
Well, I activated the max forward check and also added
the 'alias=' to the global config section of the ser.cfg. But I am still
getting "483 too many hops" I have disabled register for the time being. But
then i should be getting 404 and not 483 as you suggested.If its a problem of
local memory being overrun, how do i resolve this issue?
You don't need to add an ip address as an alias. Aliases are for domain
names that cannot be detected by ser on startup (reverse dns (listen
ips) doesn't include your domain name).
You get 483 because you enabled maxforwards and now the if the message
is forwarded more then 10 times, it will be dropped and you'll get this
message (as opposed to running out of memory when forwardind the message
back to yourself forever).
Have attached the ser.cfg file for ref. Any comments?
if (uri=~"mydomain.com") {
This is the check that fails. Probably you use a domain name
!=mydomain.com. It is better and safer to add all your domain to "alias=" and
use if (uri==myself). If you don't want to use "myself", you should at
least add your real domain name, host name and ip address to the if
(uri~=) check.