you need to load the "im" module (in ser's config file you must have
'loadmodule "/path/to/im.so"'). You are using a old version of ser (I
guess 0.8.10) and it would be better to upgrade it to 0.8.11 - it is
more stable with many new features. The im module has been deprecated
and excluded from CVS some time ago. You can download the latest stable
version following the guidelines from
Best regards,
Rork, Joseph (J.P.) wrote:
I am attempting to load the jabber module, and I get
the following error:
0(2672) find_export: <load_im> not found
0(2672) ERROR: sms: global_init: cannot import load_im
0(2672) init_modules(): Error while initializing module jabber
ERROR: error while initializing modules
It seems like it should be an easy config change, but I have yet to
find it. Any hints?
Joseph Rork
Ford Motor Company
Real-Time Collaborative Applications, SIE
Phone: 313-594-6672
Email: jrork at ford dot com
"There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't."
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