
Pcscf adds a path header for s-cscf. So s-csxf can return directly p-cscf. 

After saving on p-cscf , u can manipulate r-uri address and then t relay. So nothing gonna be changed but r-uri. 

$ru =“sip:”+$rU+”pcscf.com:4060

Did you try it?

Yasin Caner

iPhone’umdan gönderildi

Olle E. Johansson <oej@edvina.net> şunları yazdı (9 Kas 2018 18:06):

You may want to look at using the Path header so that the IMS platform - if it supports it - routes calls back through Kamailio. If so, you can forward registrations as you do.

I don’t really know much about IMS; so see this as a guess. Kamailio supports using the path header.


On 9 Nov 2018, at 16:03, serkan celik <srkancelik@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Caner,
Thanks for the answer but actually what you suggested is not what I looked for. I 'd rather considering to register Kamailio to the IMS with the helps of some modules. I tried to use UAC module to send a new registration to IMS but it did not work as I expected

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:07 PM YAS0 CANER <caner_yaso@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hello ,
I think you need a proxy kamailio in front of ims because u try to make more p-cscf. So it make it hard to solve problems an scenario . In my opinion, you can use f5\netscaler or similiar app.

Good luck

Yasin Caner

serkan celik <srkancelik@gmail.com> şunları yazdı (9 Kas 2018 16:30):

> Hi all,
> I am using Kamailio as a proxy in front of a 3rd part Open IMS (Not IMS modules in kamailio).
> I have defined Kamailio as an outbound proxy in Soft clients(I have configured IMS users info in Soft Clients). When I send register from client to IMS, Register message is sent to IMS over Kamailio. Kamailio forwards this received Register to the 3rd party IMS. Finally the client is registered into IMS over Kamailio. However when I try to make a call from registered users (both registered over Kamailio), IMS sends 403 Forbidden - "Not Registered! You must register first with a S-CSCF" to Kamailio.
> When I debugged the issue I found the reason why IMS sends 403. When IMS receives an Invite message from Kamailio it checks whether source IP which Invite is sent registered or not. As I make registration over Kamailio without changing contact header, IMS registers the user with the contact IP (which is the client IP).
> So to make a call from Soft client (IMS users) over Kamailio I also need to register Kamailio source IP as well.To deal with the issue I have changed the contact address of Register message coming from Soft client with Kamailio IP  on Kamailio. Then IMS registered Kamailio IP as a contact when registering IMS user. But this time when I make a call from Soft client  over Kamailio, IMS sends Termination Invite to Kamailio. So to finalize the call Kamailio has to route this termination Invite to the terminating IMS user .
> Is there any better approach to overcome this issue. Which is the better approach to use Kamailio in front of IMS. I want to both register and make a call from Soft clients over Kamailio to the IMS.
> Regards,
> Serkan CELIK
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