Hi Users!

Have a problem with CPL scripts and postgres.
I've tried to make the simplest possible script for debugging which resulted in the following in the 'cpl_xml' column.

'<cpl>\012  <incoming>\012         <reject status="reject" reason="I reject anonymous calls"/>\012 </incoming>\012</cpl>\012\012'

Loading it with openserctl that gets translated to this in the cpl_bin field.

 '\001\001\000\000\000\006\002\001\000\000\000\006\026\000\002\000\000\000\002[\000\001\000\031I reject anonymous calls\000\000'

The reason I figure that postgres could have something to do with this is that I've got this working before(before being quite a while ago though. )  with MySQL.

Turning on debugging gives this information.

Mar 31 18:13:18 fuj /sbin/openser[601]: cpl-c B4script
Mar 31 18:13:18 fuj /sbin/openser[601]: DBG:cpl-c:get_dest_user: trying to get user from new_uri
Mar 31 18:13:18 fuj /sbin/openser[601]: DBG:cpl-c:get_dest_user: trying to get user from R_uri
Mar 31 18:13:18 fuj /sbin/openser[601]: DBG:cpl-c:get_user_script: fetching script for user <olak>
Mar 31 18:13:18 fuj /sbin/openser[601]: DBG:cpl-c:get_user_script: we got the script len=0
Mar 31 18:13:18 fuj /sbin/openser[601]: cpl-c After Script

OpenSER says that the length of the script is 0 whatever script I load?.
I changed that in the CPL-C module so we get the right length of the compiled script but then it falls over on the sanity check for NODE_CPL = 001 , and if you skip that check it starts complaining about unknown nodes ( in my case 92 ) ...

So my question is if anyone uses postgres and CPL, if so can you give me some pointers?
Would be good to know if this happens to be a bug or an untested area in that case I have no problem fixing the problem just don't want to burn alot of time on something already fixed or me doing something stupid with configuration.

/Ola Karlsson