Hi Bogdan!
Thanks dor the DEBUG info. I found the problem. The *vp received from radiusclient was NULL.
There were also other RADIUS attributes in the RADIUS response, which were not in the dictionary of the radiusclient. Thus, the radiusclient discarded all RADIUS attributes :-(
IMO, the radiusclient should be more tolerant.
regards, klaus
PS: http://openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=radius
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Klaus,
I just added (on cvs) more debug messages in auth_radius when extracting AVPs. As I have no access to an auth RADIUS server, please give it a try and send my the debug output.
regards, bogdan
Klaus Darilion wrote:
I'm using openser CVS and try to deliver the rpid using auth_radius. But the rpid never appears in the AVPs. Also other AVP-SIP attributes (e.g. SIP-AVP = #101:TEST) do not appear in the AVP.
Filling AVPs in the .cfg using avp_write("$ruri/username","$ruser"); works fine and are printed with avp_print.
Any ideas how I can track down this problem?
thanks klaus
The radius server responds with a SIP-AVP (225) attribute (verfied with tcpdump): rpid:sip:+4359966366102@1013cbc.com
my cfg snippet (full config attached): if (!radius_proxy_authorize("")) { xlog("L_WARN","wrong or no credentials - challenging client ..."); proxy_challenge("", "0"); exit; }; xlog("L_WARN","start avp_print()-"); avp_print(); xlog("L_WARN","stop avp_print()--");
the debug log: 8(5807) checking REGISTER authentication ... 8(5807) check_nonce(): comparing [42e78dca8153d605c63042be302f64af00e1abfc] and [42e78dca8153d605c63042be302f64af00e1abfc] 8(5807) DEBUG:auth_radius:radius_authorize_sterman: Success 8(5807) xl_printf: final buffer length 37 8(5807) start avp_print() - 8(5807) xl_printf: final buffer length 37 8(5807) stop avp_print() -- 8(5807) xl_printf: final buffer length 58