
I am having troubles with making calls .

I have SER compiled and working with mysql and SERWEB,


Small issue with:

 1(1885) ERROR: ul_add: flags expected when adding Alias from SERWEB but no issue creating it with serctl


I start SER using /usr/local/sbin/ser -D -E

No errors and is listening on the correct ip


I have three users created with alias’s example 38212349, 50, 51


Serctl ul show : output shows the registered users and the alias information no errors.


When I try a test call from say alias 38212349 to 38212350 the phone trys to make the call but nothing happens. I see nothing no errors at all.


What have I don’t wrong.

Please help if you can. hehehe I would like to call myself from one phone to the other.

