
I have made some test with cisco ip phone & blind transfer and I have a question.



A: a@toto.com

B: b@toto.com

C: c@toto.com

M: mobile@toto.com



A calls B but B forward the call to C, C answer the call and transfer the call to a mobile phone M via a pstn gateway.


When C sends the REFER request to A we have something like this:



From: b@toto.com

To: a@toto.com

Refer-To: mobile@toto.com

Referred-By: b@toto.com


And then when A sends the Invite to the gateways:



From: a@toto.com

To: mobile@toto.com

Referred-By: b@toto.com


But the call is transferred by C and not by B so the Referred-By: is not correct. Is that an error from the cisco ip phone (I think not) and how can I bill this call (I do the billing on the gateways).


