On 07/08/13 01:52, Juha Heinanen wrote:
i haven't tried it yet. just read what readme says:
4.7. ice_candidate_priority_avp (string)
If specified and if value of the avp value is not 0, rtpproxy_manage function adds ICE relay candidate attributes to sdp stream(s) containing ICE candidate attributes.
This is from the regular rtpproxy module... not our code and has nothing to do with mediaproxy-ng, or any RTP proxy that runs behind it for that matter.
If you want to use mediaproxy-ng with its ICE features, you'll have to use it through the rtpproxy-ng module, which is currently available as patch here: https://github.com/sipwise/kamailio/blob/master/debian/patches/sipwise/rtpro...