Hi Stephan!
Nice to year about you ;)
I have just tried: set_forward_no_connect() t_set_disable_internal_reply(1)
I wasn't aware that the code located after the t_relay failure would run after the branch failure.
Great to know about this.
I will experiment t_suspend and t_continue in this use-case!
Tks a lot for the tip! Aymeric
2018-02-09 20:31 GMT+01:00 Stefan Sayer stefan.sayer@googlemail.com:
Aymeric Moizard wrote on 09.02.2018 13:49:
I understand your warning about TCP: If I have only on TCP branch and it fails I guess I will have a fast " I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (7/SL)" answer and no time for my "pushed" app to be already registered. However, I
usrloc's handle_lost_tcp is a good tip. we're using these in a push notification config for webrtc [0]:
set_forward_no_connect(); t_set_disable_internal_reply(1);
and then if t_relay() fails ts_store and t_suspend the transaction which I believe works.
[0] https://github.com/saycel/kamailio-config/blob/ fc17b58369af5a487d131dd67ac3c6a8628d1b29/kamailio.cfg#L695