I want to allow users to have multiple numbers that they can be found at. For example, I want to have SER ring my SIP phone first, then my cell phone, then department admin, and finally my voicemail. However, a different user may want to first ring his sip phone, then Dave's SIP phone and then to voice mail.
I created a custom table called "followme" and in it I have two columns, username and newusername. In my failure_route[1] I call exec_dset("junk@junk.com;/etc/ser/follow $USER") and it will return the correct value. This works pretty well as long as the returned value is an external number that I pass off to the PBX. However, I want to be able to do one of two things. 1) I want to run the returned value through Lookup(location) 2) I want to have condition statements based on the returned URI. For example I want to have: if (uri =~"^xyz@)
I think the issue is that the exec_dset really does an append branch, so that the original URI is not changed. I already have found taht I need the junk@junk.com in my exec_dset command so taht SER recongizes a new branch. But how can I work with that branch?
I hope this makes sense....