Is the 200 getting back to the carrier? I’m assuming not. What does the INVITE and 200 message look like
On Mar 28, 2018, at 9:04 AM, Jean Cérien wrote:
Here is the situation. Call arrives from voip provider to kamailio, it dispatches to asterisk, asterisk answers, and initiates another call through kamailio, and the voip provider.
K <-----------> Asterisk Invite -> <--- 100 <----180 <--- 200 <--- 200 retransmission,; happens 3-5 times Invite --> (same callid & cseq) <--- 200 retransmission,; happens 3-5 times
So, we see the asterisk dialplan has answered, and another call is placed form the asterisk K <-----------> Asterisk <------Invite 100 ----> (2 or 4 seconds later) 408 ---->
both nodes (kamailio and asterisk) show the same traces.
Any ideas would be greatly & truly appreciated, I am getting quite desperate about this one !
On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 8:04 AM, Mack Hendricks wrote: Are you getting the 408 from Asterisk or Kamailio? Perhaps you can provide a snippet of a sip capture.
Mack Hendricks / Head of Support / dOpenSource web: support: +888-907-2085 dSIPRouter - GUI focused on implementing Kamailio to provide SIP Trunking and PBX Hosting Services
On Mar 27, 2018, at 6:06 PM, Alberto Llamas wrote:
Hi Jean,
It might be something else. We do have an entire virtualized environment on Vmware with Asterisk, kamailios and another VoIP component without any issue with thousands of customers using it.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 4:48 PM, Jean Cérien wrote:
Hello We are running a kamailio 5.0 on a VMWARE / VSPHERE 6.0 vm, with a couple of asterisk running on 2 physical hosts.
Audio goes straight to the asterisk, no rtpengine / rtpproxy. I actually have no audio issues, but communication between the asterisk & kamailio for sip sometime fails - I get a few 408. I cant tell if this is network related or virtualisation related.
Anyone has advice on kamailio on a VM, when it only handles sip ?
Rgds J.
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-- Alberto Llamas Telecommunications Engineer dCAP | KPAC | SSCA
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