On Jun 7, 2005, at 4:38 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul writes:
This could be fixed by limiting the ammount of time that a dns lookup can take in ser (e.g. a new config parameter).
that kind of parameter would indeed be a good thing. slow dns query has nothing special to do with enum. it would affect also lookups on request uri host.
This may result in a failed transaction, or like revealed at the ENUM plugtest in failed accounting.
accounting should succeed. failure may be result of yet another bug in radiusclient library, not necessarily in ser. i asked more details about this incident, but i guess adrian has been too bury to provide it.
Sorry guys,
I quote from my last message:
"We run into a new problem after striping the spaces, the Radius accounting packet could not be sent to the server:
Jun 1 11:00:00 ns3 ser[18991]: ACC: call missed: method=INVITE, i-uri=sip:+441414960912@ag-projects.com, o-uri=sip: etsi7@IsThisAVeryVeryVeryLongLabelAnnoyToTheENUMClientsAndDNSClients.Thi sAIsVeryVeryVeryLongLabelToAnnoyTheENUMClientsAndDNSClients.AThisIsVeryV eryVeryLongLabelToAnnoyTheENUMClientsAndDNSClients. .4.e164.arpa., call_id=3c29000e249f-2yfy4pqkpyps@snom190, from="AG - ETSI 01" sip:40317109901@ag-projects.com;tag=iywbz91xdh, code=408 Request Timeout
Jun 1 11:00:00 ns3 ser[18991]: ERROR: acc_rad_request: rc_avpaid_add failed for number <2> attr <Sip-Translated-Request-URI> "
Basically we could produce calls to PSTN numbers where accounting did no start because the domain part was too long. Unfortunately my provisioning system does not allow me to put those long entries we had at ETSI plugtest but it is fairly easy to reproduce the problem.
Regards, Adrian