Hi List,
Currently I use the Perl module Asterisk::LCR to handle the least cost routing. So I basically have SER forward PSTN calls to my Asterisk box, and Asterisk handles the routing...
I'm thinking that the LCR part should really be handled by SER. Because, well, it's dubbed the SIP Express ROUTER, so I'm thinking I ought to get it to actually ROUTE stuff, including LCR. And I would really like to keep Asterisk for what it's good at, i.e. voicemail, IVR menus, and AGI.
Now, there's a couple of ways I could do this.
1) Do some static routing, i.e. have a script which writes a (really, really big) ser.cfg configuration file. Now I wonder how SER would handle a multi-megabyte configuration file. Another issue is what happen to SIP traffic when you do a ser restart? I would assume, bad things...
2) Do dynamic routing, but I have no idea on how to achieve this with SER. Any tips?
Let me know what I can do... I would just *love* to upload a SER::LCR module on CPAN as well :)
Cheers, Jean-Michel.