Hell all, Firstly I'm new here so forgive a perhaps fairly basic question.
I've just compiled and installed ser on this Linux PC:
$ ser -V version: 0.8.14 (i386/linux)
When I try to run the Ser Sip Server I get an error message to say that there's errors in the Config file. I thought it must be picking up the wrong file so I used -f option to force it to the default config file and it gives the same error. My problem is in the Config file provided.
$ ser -f /usr/local/etc/ser/ser.cfg ERROR: bad config file (3 errors)
I thought I'd check the log files but I can't find mention of them in the install documentation that I'm looking at:
Can anybody tell me where the log files are and if there is any obvious way of getting rid of the errors in the default ser.cfg?