
the error message from kamctl, not from kamailio. You need to set SIP_DOMAIN inside kamctlrc file or do: kamctl ul show username@domain, where domain can be localhost or anything else. The kamctl is built that way, is not really aware that the kamailio is multi-domain enabled or not. Actually, kamailio still needs sip addresses with user@domain, just ignores the domain for queries.

You can make kamctl to be more flexible here, it is a shell script, if you provide a patch, can be merged. On the other hand, it might be better to just go for kamcli, it is planned that at some point is going to replace kamctl.


On 09.03.21 00:05, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
Hi all

Using version 5.4.x here. 

I save the registrations with use_domain 0 but I do use the domain module to do
some checks. 

If I execute "kamctl ul" show I can see the registrations but if I execute
"kamctl ul show username" I get 

"ERROR: domain unknown: use usernames with domain or set default domain in

I understand I should use domain in case I was using it in the usrloc module
but I'm not.

How can I tell kamctl not to ask for domain?



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