I believe the 401 being swallowed by SER is a limitation of ser... i seem to remember from an ealier post in a different thread that this is why ser cannot reliably by used as a UA to register to external services... ser can send an invite, but it can't respond to 401s and resend digest invites.   It seems the same logic would apply if you want it to pass on digest invite requests to the sipura device.  I dont know if it's on the roadmap anywhere!...
Not sure if i'm right, sure someone at iptel can tell us.. .but hope it helped a little...

From: serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org on behalf of Andres
Sent: Mon 09/08/2004 22:42
To: Greg Fausak
Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org; Juha Heinanen
Subject: Re: [Serusers] SER and the SPA3000

Greg Fausak wrote:

> This is an interesting problem.
> I would venture to say that if you did NOT authenticate
> for those calls that you pass to a spa-3000, then that would work...
> that is, if your SERPROXY doesn't authenticate.

I'll give this a try and let you know.

> is it possible that the problem is trying to authorize
> twice...once for your UAC<->SERPROXY and then the
Could be, but I am unsure if this would be a SER limitation or SIP

> Can you have multiple credentials in the same SIP packet?
> Seems like it should work...
> Sorry, not much help I know.  Do you have a packet trace?
The packet trace reveals that the SPA3000 challenge is being swallowed
by SER.  What I mean is, this 401 is not being sent back to UA1 so there
is nothing to see in this part of the leg.  The 401 being sent back by
the SPA3000 looks as normal as a 401 being sent back by SER to a user
upon an INVITE.  I can certainly grab these traces again tonight and
send them to you.

> ---greg

Network Admin

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