Hi Geir,
You will need to play with the fr_inv_timer after the call is forwarded. You can achieve this by using avps: http://openser.org/docs/modules/1.2.x/tm.html#AEN249
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
On 4/24/07, Geir O. Jensen geir.o.jensen@uninett.no wrote:
I need CFU on our systems, however - it seems to work but if the forwarded call isn't picked up within a time limit the system just drops the call.
My script is something like this;
(...) loadmodule "tm.so" modparam ("tm", "fr_timer", 30) modparam ("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 10)
route{ xlog("L_INFO", "Route - $fu $rm $ru"); t_on_failure("1");
(... Some tweaking ...) t_relay();
failure_route[1] { if (!t_was_cancelled()) { xlog("L_INFO","Failure_route[1] - redirect to callcentre"); seturi("sip:callcentre@localhost"); append_branch(); t_relay(); }; return; }
So what happens is this; I call a number... After 10 seconds the call "fails" and failure_route is invoked, whereupon the call is "redirected" to the new uri. It rings for 10 seconds and then the the call is just terminated... (no call to failure_route)...
The log looks like this; 15:30:00 Route sip:usera@localhost INVITE sip:userb@localhost 15:30:10 Failure_route[1] - redirect to callcentre 15:30:20 Route sip:usera@localhost ACK sip:userb@localhost
Any ideas? Typically I would like for the 2dn call to ring indefinitely...
// sip:gojensen@uninett.no | h323: 004710012 pstn: +47 73 55 79 23 | fax: +47 73 55 79 01
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