
I am trying to modify the header of both main and the branch routes, more specifically trying to modify FROM field on both routes to different values.
The change on main route is fine but couldn't make the change on the branch side.

 if (is_method("INVITE"))
      seturi("sip:1111111111@x.x.x.x:5060;transport=UDP");    // main route
      append_branch("sip:2222222222@y.y.y.y:5060");           // branch route

      if ( uri=~"sip:.+@x.x.x.x.*" )
           uac_replace_from("...");  // make changes on main route, works

      if ( uri=~"sip:.+@y.y.y.y.*" )
         uac_replace_from("...");  // make changes on the branch, not working

When I move the logic for the branch into "branch_route" it would created two FROM fields. Is this a bug?


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