FIRST 200 OK ... correctly sent to caller 3(11813) receive_msg: cleaning up 3(11813) SIP Reply (status): 3(11813) version: 3(11813) status: <200> 3(11813) reason: 3(11813) parse_headers: flags=1 3(11813) Found param type 232, = ; state=6 3(11813) Found param type 234, = <>; state=16 3(11813) end of header reached, state=5 3(11813) parse_headers: Via found, flags=1 3(11813) parse_headers: this is the first via 3(11813) header field type 1, name=, body= 3(11813) first via: <> 3(11813) ;<> 3(11813) 3(11813) exiting parse_msg 3(11813) After parse_msg... 3(11813) TIC:tic_response_callback: starting 3(11813) DEBUG : tic_response_callback : there's no transaction waiting binding 3(11813) TIC:tic_response_callback: No operation 3(11813) forward_reply: found module tm, passing reply to it 3(11813) DEBUG: t_check: msg id=12 global id=11 T start=0xffffffff 3(11813) parse_headers: flags=17 3(11813) Found param type 232, = ; state=6 3(11813) Found param type 235, = <5060>; state=16 3(11813) end of header reached, state=5 3(11813) parse_headers: Via found, flags=17 3(11813) parse_headers: this is the second via 3(11813) header field type 1, name=, body= 3(11813) header field type 512, name=, body=<> 3(11813) header field type 8, name=, body=<"hp_cesc" ;tag=4cb08f2cfe0> 3(11813) DEBUG: add_param: tag=as6f6964dd 3(11813) end of header reached, state=29 3(11813) DEBUG: get_hdr_field: [51]; uri=[sip:grp.commander@] 3(11813) DEBUG: to body [] 3(11813) header field type 4, name=, body=<;tag=as6f6964dd> 3(11813) header field type 32, name=, body=<982596E3E4D842A9B30F0F58934E96480x0a000096> 3(11813) get_hdr_field: cseq : <1> 3(11813) header field type 16, name=, body=<1 INVITE> 3(11813) parse_headers: flags=4 3(11813) DEBUG: t_reply_matching: hash 50532 label 142205825 branch 1 3(11813) DEBUG: t_reply_matching: reply matched (T=0xb5eada38)! 3(11813) parse_headers: flags=4 3(11813) DEBUG: t_check: msg id=12 global id=12 T end=0xb5eada38 3(11813) DEBUG: reply_received: org. status uas=0, uac[1]=100 local=0 is_invite=1) 3(11813) DEBUG: reset_timer (group 3, tl=0xb5eadc40) 3(11813) DEBUG: reset_timer (group 0, tl=0xb5eadc54) 3(11813) XLOG: xl_print_log: final buffer length 91 3(11813) ============================================================ 3(11813) [Fri Aug 3 07:29:10 2007] 3(11813) 3(11813) XLOG: xl_print_log: final buffer length 27 3(11813) [ ## 11813] 3(11813) 3(11813) XLOG: xl_print_log: final buffer length 855 3(11813) SIP/2.0 200 OK 3(11813) Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK465c.183e978.1;received= 3(11813) Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0a0000960000002e46b3117f00006e8f0000000a;rport=5060 3(11813) Record-Route: 3(11813) From: "hp_cesc" ;tag=4cb08f2cfe0 3(11813) To: ;tag=as6f6964dd 3(11813) Call-ID: 982596E3E4D842A9B30F0F58934E96480x0a000096 3(11813) CSeq: 1 INVITE 3(11813) User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 3(11813) Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY 3(11813) Contact: 3(11813) Content-Type: application/sdp 3(11813) Content-Length: 220 3(11813) v=0 3(11813) o=root 11821 11821 IN IP4 3(11813) s=session 3(11813) c=IN IP4 3(11813) t=0 0 3(11813) m=audio 24312 RTP/AVP 8 101 3(11813) a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 3(11813) a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 3(11813) a=fmtp:101 0-16 3(11813) a=silenceSupp:off - - - - 3(11813) 3(11813) 3(11813) XLOG: xl_print_log: final buffer length 45 3(11813) RTP Proxy Handle: flagset: globally disabled 3(11813) 3(11813) XLOG: xl_print_log: final buffer length 42 3(11813) LOG: Entering ROUTE RTPPROXY HANDLE BASIC 3(11813) 3(11813) XLOG: xl_print_log: final buffer length 48 3(11813) LOG: RTPPROXY disabled ... not using RTP Proxy 3(11813) 3(11813) ->>>>>>>>> T_code=0, new_code=200 3(11813) DEBUG: relay_reply: branch=1, save=0, relay=1 3(11813) old size: 852, new size: 766 3(11813) build_res_from_sip_res: copied size: orig:102, new: 16, rest: 750 msg= SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0a0000960000002e46b3117f00006e8f0000000a;rport=5060 Record-Route: From: "hp_cesc" ;tag=4cb08f2cfe0 To: ;tag=as6f6964dd Call-ID: 982596E3E4D842A9B30F0F58934E96480x0a000096 CSeq: 1 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Contact: Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 220 v=0 o=root 11821 11821 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 24312 RTP/AVP 8 101 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - 3(11813) WARNING:vqm_resize: resize(0) called 3(11813) DEBUG: update_totag_set: new totag 3(11813) DEBUG: put on WAIT 3(11813) DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[2]: 0xb5eada80 3(11813) DEBUG: reply relayed. buf=0x81e6348: SIP/2.0 2..., shmem=0xb5eb2008: SIP/2.0 2 3(11813) DEBUG: reset_timer (group 3, tl=0xb5eadb60) 3(11813) DEBUG: reset_timer (group 0, tl=0xb5eadb74) 3(11813) DEBUG: reset_timer (group 3, tl=0xb5eadc40) 3(11813) DEBUG: reset_timer (group 0, tl=0xb5eadc54) 3(11813) DEBUG: cleanup_uac_timers: RETR/FR timers reset 3(11813) DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)