I have been running SER quite successfully for a long time now. So tonight I dared to replicate the database to a remote server and changed the ser.cfg as follows.
This is the two lines I changed in my ser.cfg filen
#modparam("auth_db|permissions|uri_db|usrloc|acc", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")                       
modparam("auth_db|permissions|uri_db|usrloc|acc", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@")             
Also updated serctl as follows:
I then Stopped Ser, MySQL and restarted SER.
It takes a long time then I get these line in the error log.. and ser fails to start.
Aug  9 22:36:08 ns2 ser[43517]: new_connection(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
Aug  9 22:36:08 ns2 ser[43517]: db_init(): Could not create a connection
Aug  9 22:36:08 ns2 ser[43517]: ERROR: group_db_ver: unable to open database connection
Aug  9 22:36:08 ns2 ser[43517]: group:mod_init(): Error while querying table version
Aug  9 22:36:08 ns2 ser[43517]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module group
Then I start the old local mySQL server again and restart ser and it springs to life.
Why is that? I am not pointing to the local mysql server anymore... Have I missed something in the configuration?
Even more strange, it seems that all authentication and accounting gets queried in the new server as I see can see the data in the new server alse sees the client connection from SER.
Any one who can help with an explanation on this behaviour?
Kind regards