Hi Alex,

I moved it to before the consume_credentials() in my route script:

The sequence:

if(!proxy_authorize(""  {




Still getting:

sip[6820]: DEBUG: auth [rpid.c:177]: no rpid AVP

This worked perfectly in kamailio 1.x.x


On 25 March 2010 21:33, Alex Balashov <abalashov@evaristesys.com> wrote:
On 03/25/2010 05:32 PM, dotnetdub wrote:
Hi Alex,

Do I need to do something different in the script to 1.5.3 ? As you can
see from my first mail I am loading the avp from the DB as before.

I just did this in my route:

xlog("L_INFO", "[ROUTE-4 ->] rpid test: $avp(s:rpid) ");


INFO: <script>: [ROUTE-4 ->] rpid test: <null>

Not sure what I'm missing here:

# auth

modparam("auth", "rpid_avp", "$avp(s:rpid)")

My subscriber table has column rpid and value is valid for this subscriber.

Those AVPs are only loaded when www_authorize()/proxy_authorize() is called.  Make sure you are doing append_rpid_hf() before consume_credentials(), also.

Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC

Tel    : +1 678-954-0670
Direct : +1 678-954-0671
Web    : http://www.evaristesys.com/