Hi All,
I'm trying to implement SER into an existing system, and having problems
with radius authentication. RTFM and lots of google hasnt helped!
The existing working freeradius server uses Unix (/etc/passwd) file (on
FreeBSD) to authenticate users who dial into a modem server. I'd like to use
the same accounts and passwords for SIP users, using the same radius server.
I'm using the default modparam values for module auth_radius.
However, the doco suggests to me that I have to use Digest authentication
when I call radius_www_authorize. But the cleartext password is not
available to the Radius server(ie I'm not using entries in the radius
"users" file) so I cant see how it could do Digest authentication at its
end. The existing authentication uses Auth Type := System.
So, can I get SER to do cleartext auth to the radius server (both are on the
same, isolated subnet, so I'm not worried about traffic being captured) Is
there a service_type or something else?
Any advice appreciated