some confusion was created around this subject. It was pointed a news which was related to
an improvement (fetch support) which brought memory usage optimization in usrloc (going to
be expanded in usage to other modules, like lcr, presence ...), not usrloc loading/lookup
optimization. It was not yet a news since the work is not fully finished/well tested. The
news about this new improvements will come in the near future. It started in summer,
Shortly, usrloc records are not loaded anymore by the main process, but by first child.
All other children processes can handle other events/sip messages in parallel. Previously,
at start, OpenSER was blocked until all records were loaded, which could be quite long
when having big numbers of active users.
Whats going to happen then if a child x process wants to read a usrloc entry
whereas child 1 is not finished reading yet?
Jiri Kuthan