I'm starting with ser and would like to know if it's possible no make
the following:
Today i use asterisk with sip users registered to it and a DeadAgi
(a2billing) to manage calls and prepaid/postpaid accounts. Works fine.
Since i have too many features and customizations i can't abone it.
The problem is that many users are behind nat and have to
canreinvite=no, forcing the rtp media to passthru asterisk. I would
like to implement media_proxy in this scenario to balance the rtp's
bandwith with another hosts. If there were some kind of media_proxy
for asterisk would be great, but there isn't.
So, i wonder: can I put ser in this, after or before asterisk, making
possible to user media_proxy without change so much in asterisk setup?
Antonio J. S. Brandão