Hi Daniel,

It's about the contract expired and deleted from "location" but not deleted from location_attr table when expired contact is found. My settings are below 

1modparam("usrloc", "timer_interval", 120)
2. modparam("tm|usrloc", "xavp_contact", "ulattrs")
3. Usrloc is set to DB_ONLY Mode.  

4. //// route block when the extra location attr before saving . 
# Handle SIP registrations
route[REGISTRAR] {
if (!is_method("REGISTER")) return;

if(isflagset(FLT_NATS)) {
# do SIP NAT pinging
$xavp(ulattrs=>did)=$hdr(P-Asserted-Identity); # this adds to location_attr table.. 
if (!save("location")) {

Like if Client Registered , and went offline/crashed,(expiry i.e 3600, proto=TLS) then contact is expired after 1 hour then it's removed from location table but the attribute set which is added for location_attr(for same ruid) is not deleted from db.
Thanks & Regards


On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 4:32 PM Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:


is the contact expired and not updated, or is about attributes set for a REGISTER request that should be deleted with the next REGISTER updating the expires for same contact?


On 29.07.19 08:44, Pintu Lohar wrote:

Hi All, 

Regarding modparam("tm|usrloc", "xavp_contact", "ulattrs") 

#ref : https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/usrloc.html#usrloc.p.xavp_contact .

There is some requirement where we need to save some extra location attributes to location_attrs tables 
$xavp(ulattrs=>deviceIdentify)= "Some str values"  and calling save(“location”) , It works well and saved  location attribute table but  But when contact expired callback is received, udomain_contact_expired_db() does not it delete the extra location attribute from database but deleting the record from location table only ? 

If not, is there any recommended approach to delete the extra location attributes from the database? or am I missing something to set?

Alternate I was thinking could be running timer from Kamailio config and check last_modified time and delete those(based on our UAC expiry setting), is it the right approach.

Kamailio Version: 5.2.0.

Thanks for your valuable suggestion in advance.


Pintu Lohar

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Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
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