You typically only need to include the modparam configuration entries that
either don't have a default value, or where you want to override the default.
Anthony - -
F9B6 560E 68EA 037D 8C3D D1C9 FF31 3BDB D9D8 99B6
On Wednesday, July 26, 2017 6:21:29 AM CDT Logeshwaran G wrote:
Hi All,
I have created an lcr_gw, lcr_rule and lcr_rule_target tables according to
my convenient .
I have doubt on kamailio.cfg, whether I need to add the below params in cfg
# ----- lcr params -----
#modparam("lcr", "lcr_gw_table","gw")
#modparam("lcr", "id_column", "row_id")
#modparam("lcr", "lcr_id_column", "lcr_identifier")
#modparam("lcr", "gw_name_column", "name")
#modparam("lcr", "ip_addr_column", "ip")
#modparam("lcr", "hostname_column", "host")
#modparam("lcr", "port_column", "port")
#modparam("lcr", "params_column", "parameters")
#modparam("lcr", "uri_scheme_column", "uri_scheme")
#modparam("lcr", "transport_column", "trans")
#modparam("lcr", "strip_column", "strip_count")
#modparam("lcr", "prefix_column", "number_prefix")
#modparam("lcr", "tag_column", "gw_tag")
#modparam("lcr", "flags_column", "gw_flags")
#modparam("lcr", "defunct_column", "defunct_until")
#modparam("lcr", "lcr_rule_table", "rules")
#modparam("lcr", "prefix_column", "number_prefix")
#modparam("lcr", "from_uri_column", "caller_uri")
#modparam("lcr", "request_uri_column", "callee_uri")
#modparam("lcr", "stopper_column", "stop")
#modparam("lcr", "enabled_column", "in_use")
#modparam("lcr", "lcr_rule_target_table", "rules")
#modparam("lcr", "rule_id_column", "rule")
#modparam("lcr", "gw_id_column", "gw")
#modparam("lcr", "priority_column", "priority")
#modparam("lcr","weight_column", "target_weight")
#modparam("lcr", "gw_uri_avp", "$avp(i:709)")
#modparam("lcr", "ruri_user_avp", "$avp(i:500)")
Please guide me.
Thanks in Advance,
Logeshwaran G