Hi to all,
I need to edit our ser installation (OLD ser-2.0.0-rc1) implementing a check to rewrite the INVITE URI address in case a flag on a DB is set or not. I'm not proof on this and as always the solution is to find out on the production system without the possibility (for now) to upgrade to most recent version. In fact I would load the flag with the db_ops module. The scenario should be the follow: 1. a call is coming from sip or from pstn to an internal sip account 2. the ser should check if a given flag for the called account is set (db_ops) 3. if it's set it should take the destination URI (taken from location db table) and rewrite the number to another known number. i.e. from sip:123456789@IP;uniqu=... to sip:new987654321@IP;uniq=... My first issue is to identify WHERE ser execute the INVITE to the sip account and how rewrite the URI.
Could someone point me to the right place and give me some suggestion?
The ser.cfg used could be read from a previous post of me:
Thank's a lot!